
Blog about sportsbooks

Year: 2023

Pitching Precision: A Comprehensive Guide to WHIP in Baseball

As the crack of the bat echoes through the stadium and the pitcher winds up, an unseen battle unfolds on the mound—measured by a statistic known as WHIP. Walks plus Hits per Inning Pitched, or WHIP, serves as a crucial…

Baseball Team Size: A Closer Look

Baseball teams’ player counts differ markedly among various leagues and play levels. Teams in Major League Baseball (MLB) usually have 26 to 28 players actively playing, but this figure can change during certain seasons. In contrast, Minor League Baseball squads…

Exploring WRC+: Advanced Baseball Analytics

Baseball, beyond its thrilling games, is also a world inundated with statistics and numbers. Key performance indicators such as batting averages or Runs Batted In (RBIs) are widely recognized even by casual observers. However, some metrics remain under the radar…