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Sports journalism

Demystifying GIDP in Baseball: What Does It Mean?

Baseball is a sport steeped in tradition and statistics, with each play and player contributing to the rich tapestry of the game’s history. Among the many statistics that define a player’s performance and a team’s success, one that often comes…

Deciphering Slugging Percentage: What’s Good?

In the realm of baseball, slugging percentage stands as a pivotal metric, gauging a batter’s prowess in wielding power at the plate. It’s a numerical expression achieved by dividing the aggregate number of bases accumulated by a batter by their…

Baseball Tie: Global Views and Tech Trends

In the intricate world of baseball, where victory and defeat often hang in the balance, the concept of ties has its own unique narrative. This article explores the historical roots, regulations, and debates surrounding tied games in baseball. Historical Context…